
Establish your membership with City of Deer Park FCU
Explore Accounts
Hundred dollar bill

Save and Spend

A savings account not only establishes your account with City of Deer Park FCU; it also helps you create your wealth. Then, easily access your money when you need it with one of our straightforward checking accounts.

Savings Account


Low Cost to Open

Establishes your membership with us



We pay dividends on balances of $5 or more


Direct Deposit

A safe home for your pay checks

Certificates of Deposit

Save money for future expenses or give your savings a boost with our competitive-rate Certificates!

Stack of coins

Individual Retirement Accounts

Traditional and Roth IRAs are created with tax benefits to help you save, and we want to make it simple for you, so we offer a range of IRAs that offer higher returns and the flexibility you need to ramp up your savings.

Traditional IRA

With a traditional IRA, the money you contribute may be tax-deductible (i.e., you get a tax break when the money goes in). Do you already have an employer-sponsored plan? This might be a great way to roll that over!

Roth IRA

A Roth IRA allows you to make non-tax-deductible contributions up to a certain amount depending upon age. Withdrawals of original contribution are tax-free; potentially tax-free withdrawal of earnings if part of a qualified withdrawal.

Attention DPEFCU members: Our annual membership meeting will be held Wednesday, February 5th at 11 am at the court/theater building.
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